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Club Fantasy Football Winners

Club Fantasy Football Winners

Richard Kendall21 May - 17:30
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Will Weston claims the May prize and wins the overall competition.

The BOECC Fantasy Football league has come to a conclusion after the final Premier League games of the season last weekend.

Will Weston (332) finished top in May to claim the £5 monthly prize, with Kit Winder (319) and Richard Kendall (314) just behind in second and third place.

In the overall competition Will Weston (2562) emerged victorious in the 27 strong field for the £100 winner's prize. Kit Winder (2557) finished in the £40 runner up spot and also won the £20 prize for the Cup competition.

The full list of £5 monthly winners were:

  • August - Ed Jones
  • September - Kit Winder
  • October - Joe Hicks
  • November - Richard Down
  • December - Will Weston
  • January - Naeman Symonds-Baig
  • February - Aaron Crane
  • March - Dylan Buckley
  • April - Kit Winder
  • May - Will Weston

To claim your prizes from throughout the season, please contact Treasurer Karen Chadwick with your details.

For further information or to see the previous winners, please see here.

Further reading